I got homesick at church tonight.
Not homesick for our house or family in Mississippi, but homesick for my OTHER family--the family that I may never see again on this earth--
One of our sweet missionary friends from Hungary is visiting the U.S. right now. He's here to raise more financial support for his family's ministry and to spread the word about mission opportunities like the one we were privileged to participate in two years ago. Istvan shared his testimony and ministry updates with our small group tonight, and when it was time to go-- when we all said our farewells-- the homesickness set in.
Istvan with Phil in Budapest
He's here alone on this trip, but last summer his wife and children traveled to the states with him. When their visit with us came to an end and we said our farewells, they urged us to join them again in the work in Hungary, and the homesickness washed over me...I remember trying to hold back tears.
I've had that same feeling before...
Two years ago I felt it when Betti and Tomo left our camp in Hungary to return to their home in Macedonia. We had been blessed to spend two weeks with them at the Speak Out language camp.... we talked and listened for hours as they shared how Jesus gloriously rescued and redeemed them and how He later opened the doors for them to be missionaries to their own people. I vividly remember our last evening with them... the prayer, the tears, the hugs... sweet Tomo even gave us a replica of a clay lamp that was used by early Macedonian Christians (the ones mentioned in the book of Acts, y'all). He encouraged us to be diligent--ready--and consistent in letting our light shine in America. When this faithful couple left us, my heart ached so much.... they invited us to join them on staff at their Macedonian language/evangelistic camp, but only God knows if we will be able to accept that invitation or if we'll ever see them again.
Tomo and Betti after a water gun fight during Speak Out
During that summer in 2012, our family spent nearly five weeks with other believers like Betti, Tomo, and Istvan; our mission was to share the good news of salvation with Hungarian students. Our time was spent among dedicated brothers and sisters in Christ from all over the world who have left behind homes, home lands, good jobs, extended families, and much more--all for the gospel's sake. We heard their stories, we watched them minister to lost students, we prayed with them for God to work in mighty ways among the people of Hungary, and we learned from their examples.
And y'all. Y'ALL. The Hungarian students....the ones who were already believers and who had decided to join the Speak Out Staff and minister to their peers.... Those young men and women were ON FIRE. Many of them --like my friends Betty and Rebekah-- spent their afternoons witnessing to strangers in the nearby villages as well as dedicating hours to praying for the campers. Betty and Rebekah even arrived at our going away party in Budapest a few hours early JUST SO THEY WOULD HAVE TIME TO WITNESS TO PEOPLE IN THE AREA.... Y'all.
It's been two years and still, my heart is so full as I remember the beauty of the body of Christ at work in Hungary. After all of this, how could we NOT feel like we had indeed become family with these amazing people? For most of our first month back home in the U.S., Phil and I both ached --even cried-- with homesickness for our new family members...
If you've been made a part of God's family through the work of Christ on your behalf at Calvary, then you may understand this homesickness I'm (so pitifully) trying to describe. Think of the precious believers you have met and grown to love throughout the course of your life... The shared experience of being made NEW and being FORGIVEN and having JESUS as a BEST FRIEND can draw strangers together in a matter of moments. That bond that Jesus creates among His people is hard to describe but SO VERY REAL and PRECIOUS to those of us who know Him. I can't help but think of the many summer camps, youth retreats, and conferences I've attended as well as the different church congregations I've been blessed to worship with.... so many brothers and sisters that I've laughed, shared, and cried with .... so many brothers and sisters I haven't seen in years and who I will not see again....at least, not HERE, anyway... can you relate? Do you at times feel some homesickness for your Christian family, too?
When we attend the funeral of a fellow believer, even as we grieve, we are greatly comforted by the reality that we will see that loved one again in heaven. That same feeling of loss, that same ache, and that great hope of reunion is what I'm feeling tonight... except, there hasn't been a funeral. No one has died. I'm just missing my family--my brothers and sisters who are a part of God's family all over the globe--and the chances of seeing many of them again on this planet are small....
What a blessing it was to see Istvan again tonight and to hear of the continued work in Hungary.
And what a blessing it will be when "the family" is all together again. Knowing a day is coming when goodbyes are a thing of the past and knowing we're all finally "home" makes the hope of Heaven even sweeter, doesn't it?
Istvan and his wife Isabella
Tomo and Phil in Budapest
Ingrid and J.R....they left their secure jobs and home in the U.S. and now live and minister in Hungary
Istvan and family dressed in costumes for our weekly Staff Hunt
Ingrid and I dressed for Staff Hunt
The Davis Family + Daubenspeck Family = The Davispecks
We shared a home together in Hungary for the month. Despite our differences, we felt like family. (We're from the Deep South, y'all, and they're from Philadelphia, you guys.)
Betty and Rebekah in their staff hunt costumes
....some of my "little sisters" in Christ
I'm not sure which Hungarian student leader this is, (and I actually swiped this photo from a Cru staff member) but I know he's a part of the family, too.
“Do not let your heart be troubled; believe in God, believe also in Me. 2 In My Father’s house are many dwelling places; if it were not so, I would have told you; for I go to prepare a place for you. 3 If I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again and receive you to Myself, that where I am, there you may be also." John 14:1-3
9 And they sang a new song, saying,
“Worthy are You to take the book and to break its seals; for You were slain, and purchased for God with Your blood men from every tribe and tongue and people and nation.
10 “You have made them to be a kingdom and priests to our God; and they will reign upon the earth.” Revelation 5:9-10
9 After these things I looked, and behold, a great multitude which no one could count, from every nation and all tribes and peoples and tongues, standing before the throne and before the Lamb, clothed in white robes, and palm branches were in their hands; 10 and they cry out with a loud voice, saying,
“Salvation to our God who sits on the throne, and to the Lamb.” Revelation 7:9-10
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