Thursday, January 26, 2012

Home from Houston Part 2

Well, I'm trying to finish the post I began a few minutes ago. If you didn't read the previous post, do that.  This may make more sense if you do.  Now let's see if I can upload some more pictures.

This is the verse mom wrote on the scripture wall.

Me writing on the scripture wall
(Yes, your vision is still just fine.  Camera phone=poor picture quality, remember?)

Yes, that's BETH MOORE at the scripture wall.
For those of you who aren't familiar with her, she's a Bible teacher and author of several Bible studies that mom and I have done over the years.  She has a blog that we follow, and the SSMT thing is part of her ministry.

I've got to tell you about this before I post anymore pictures.  Mom was standing at the table across from this scripture wall, minding her own business, looking at some books that were for sale.  I was minding MY own business out of the way of the crowd, standing back by the scripture wall, patiently waiting for mom.  As I was minding my own business by the wall, I noticed three women walking toward me with cameras.  One was a security guard, one was a pleasant looking brunette, and the other was Beth Moore.  Apparently, Beth wanted to see what was going on at the scripture wall, and she wanted some pictures of it for herself. 

Y'all, she was RIGHT BEHIND MY MOTHER and my mother NEVER NOTICED. 

I stood there and tried to snap some pictures without looking like a creepy stalker.  Eventually, some other ladies noticed what was going on and started to gather around Beth for hugs and pictures.  At that point, Beth had to make her way back to the worship center, but on her way out, she grabbed MY hand and said, "How is everything? Are we all right?"  (Mom was still looking at books, never noticing that Beth Moore was RIGHT behind her.)  I didn't know what else to do but grin and say, "Yes ma'am.  We're just fine."  (I'm sure you all would've said something more cool or profound, but hey, it's not like I had time to prepare a speech or anything.)

Anyway, Beth and her crew went back to prepare for another worship service.  I took four steps to the table where mom was STILL not noticing anything and told her what had just happened.  Of course she asked me why I didn't say anything sooner, but I told her I just couldn't bring myself to shout, "Hey Mom! Look behind you!"

Ok, I'll try to post the rest of the pictures.  Remember, I was trying not to be too stalker-y, but when all the other ladies whipped out their iPhones, I went for it and snapped as many as I could.  Here are a few that turned out ok. 

Now don't be judgmental--didn't I already explain why the quality is so poor?
Ok, that's the back of Beth's head.  If you look to her right, you can see the black, pink, and white plaid on my mom's shirt. 

I guess even Beth wanted some pictures for her own blog.

If you look closely, you can see mom's shirt behind Beth's neck.

Yours truly at the scripture wall.  I wrote out Psalm 73:26 & 28.

By the way, did you know that metallic threads in fabric do not agree with the x-ray scanner security thingies at the airport?  Mom wore shirts like the one above to the airport on Friday AND Sunday (and Monday, which is another story), and because some alarms went off, she had to be patted down every time (except Monday, but you already know that's another story). Those folks in airport security apparently don't give a rat's behind about a person's sense of modesty or desire for privacy, either.  Poor mom.  She handled the whole thing with her usual grace and dignity.

It's a miracle we weren't locked away for questioning, though.  If you know my mom at all, then you know she just can't keep her mouth shut sometimes.  For instance, in spite of all the recorded announcements that are CONSTANTLY aired throughout the terminals --you know, the ones that warn passengers against making inappropriate or suspicious remarks that could threaten the safety of others--in spite of all those announcements, my mom just couldn't watch her mouth.  At the ticketing desk when we were asked if we had any film or firearms in our luggage, Momma just HAD to say, "Nope, no film, no firearms, and no bombs."

It's a miracle we weren't locked away.

On the train inside the airport
God was so gracious to us.  This trip was a big deal because it was mom's first major outing since her knee surgery last year.  Her knee worked fine, and we had no major catastrophes or traumas, praise the Lord!

Aaaahhh, Shipleys.  This was a big deal, also.
Yes, a big deal indeed.... (don't judge me.)

One final picture from the SSMT Celebration

Did you really sit through all of this silliness and nonsense?  Bless your heart.  Come back again sometime if I haven't bored or scared you away already:)  I've got a few more pics to share --one is mom with Johnny Depp on the airplane.  You don't want to miss that, now do you?

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