Sunday, September 9, 2012

Hello Again

Hello out there in cyber-land.  Anybody still out there????  I just realized that I haven't posted a blog on either of my sites since we returned from Hungary on August 1. We've been a bit extremely busy since we returned.  Phil went back to work and was immediately sent out of town for two weeks.  My mom had knee replacement surgery only days after we landed back on American soil, and we've been staying with her while she recovers.  AND, my dear Mamaw went to be with Jesus just a few days after my mother's surgery.  AND the kids and I have been easing our way into life as a home schooling family.  Life has been crazy lately, but God is still on His throne, and He is doing all things well, and we are all just fine. 

How are you?

Some of you may not know, but I did not return to my former place of employment this school year.  That's a LONG STORY that everyone who is involved already knows about.  I'll just leave it at this: 

God has been up to something in our family. 

He has been moving and turning hearts and stirring up desires that I never would have imagined a few years ago.  After much prayer, Phil and I decided that I would not return to full time work this year so we can be free to pursue some other ministries that God has laid on our hearts.  We are still seeking Him and waiting for Him to continue to direct our steps, and we are trusting that He Who began a work in us will be faithful to bring it to completion. 

Just last week, Phil and Drew had the opportunity to make a mad dash to Louisana to assist in offering relief to victims of Hurricane Issac.  That was a ministry opportunity that we hadn't planned to pursue, but the need arose, and God made a way for my guys to go and extend grace.  I'm naturally prone to selfishness and self-absorption, but I married a man who was born to serve others.  He's one who will, as the old expression goes, give you the shirt off his own back.  Bless him, he'll even give you the shirt off one of our backs if it will fit you better.  He's just awesome like that, and he's showing our kids how to live like that, too.  (He doesn't know I'm writing about this, and when he reads this, he's gonna feel weird. It's my blog, though, and I can be grateful if I want.  Right?) 

Anywho......  I just wanted to give a quick update to offer an explanation for my absence---just in case my two regular readers were wondering what was going on (Hi Becky & Aunt Martha!).  Feel free to leave comments on here.  I'd love to know who reads this, and I'd like to know what you've been up to as well. 

If my internet connection permits, I'm actually going to post another entry today that will be entirely about my dear Mamaw.  I found some pictures of her that I'd like to share with my Garrard family.  Of course, all of you who are not Garrards by birth or marriage are more than welcome to take a look as well.

See y'all in the next post:)

Click here to read about my Mamaw.

1 comment:

  1. I tried to leave a comment before, but it wouldn't work! (Smart phones... Who needs 'em?)
    Anyways, just wanted to say it's great to read about what God's doing through your family's lives. It's a huge encouragement! Love y'all!
