Friday, February 24, 2012

The One About Pocket Lint and Prayer

A few minutes ago, we submitted our applications to Campus Crusade for Christ.  We applied to serve as staff members at a Christian camp in Hungary.  

And now we wait.

And wait.

And wait some more....

We should know by March 28 if we are approved.

Here are some images I borrowed from the ministry's website:

To say I'm intimidated by this possibility for ministry is an understatement.

Phil still insists that he feels the Lord wants us to serve together as a family in Hungary.... if THIS is the year God wants us to go, then HE will make it possible.  This is totally a giant leap of faith for me.  I've been praying a particular Bible verse for a while, and I'm wondering if this Hungarian ministry opportunity is a way that God is answering this prayer....
God be gracious to us and bless us, and cause His face to shine upon us--Selah.  That Your name may be known on the earth, Your salvation among all nations.  Psalm 67:1-2
I first began to pay attention to this verse while I was reading the book Radical by David Platt.  [READ IT!!! It may mess you up, but it's a good mess!]  It is SO convicting, and I don't have the time or brain power to put its entire message into words--READ IT, PLEASE. 

Anyway, the main thought from the book that has stayed with me is Psalm 67:1-2.  I've been asking the Lord to please be gracious to our family and bless us, and let His face shine on us--not so that we may live the easy life and pursue the American Dream--not so that we may enjoy even more comfort and satisfaction--not so that we can HAVE MORE STUFF--but so that we may use what He gives us to make His name and His plan of salvation known--here where we live and anywhere else as He leads.

Is He leading us to spend the summer in Hungary?  We will see.

I asked our friend Neal (who has ministered on MOST of the continents) how he knows if God is leading him to join different mission endeavors.  Neal told us that God usually speaks to him in his quiet time and in prayer, and that He directs the surrounding circumstances to come together (or not).  We are asking God to do this for us.

God has definitely been doing some amazing things in the spiritual life of our family, that's for sure.  If this opportunity is God's plan for us for THIS summer, He can make it happen.  God knows I'm a great big chicken and that this type of ministry scares me, but He can equip me to do this if He's calling me to it.  God also knows that we don't have the $20,000+ that will be required to cover our travel and living expenses, but that kind of money is merely pocket change to Him--actually, it's probably more like pocket lint to Him.  At this point in the process, we are trusting God to orchestrate circumstances and to speak clearly to let us know what He wants for us. 

Will you pray with us?

How do you know when God is directing you to make certain decisions or to pursue certain opportunities?  I'd love to hear your comments.


  1. Just as the Lord gave a command to Adam, not Eve and Abraham, not Sarah, the Lord has always given my husband, Jay, a peace and direction about where, what and when we should serve. Something that Jay tells people about ministry is this: "If you can be content doing anything else, do it." The Lord always places a holy discontentment in Jay's life and mine when He has another plan than we are pursuing. I have gotten so much better at this in the last several major decisions, but I know that my role as Jay's wife is to pray for him and with him and then trust his leading for our family. :)

  2. Thank you SO much,Jennifer! I really needed to hear that tonight:)
