Saturday, February 11, 2012

A Mental Maelstrom or WHATEVER

I read this to Phil while I was proofing it--he then took out his copy of My Utmost of His Highest and read me today's entry. It was RIGHT ON with what I just wrote--if any of you are Oswald Chambers fans, you can read it on

A friend of mine recently posted this on face book:
[I wouldn't dream of calling my family insane.  We have our quirks and our moments of irrationality like all families, but we're not insane.  Much.]

That face book quote captured MY attention, because yesterday and today have been "one  two of those days...."  You ever have those days?  Ever feel like your thoughts are galloping through your brain at a billion miles per hour and that your emotions are coming in at a close second?  Well, that's me right now.  I'm calming down, though.  Just felt the need to write for a bit to help myself enter back into a state of semi-normalcy.

Last night I texted my momma for prayer because I was mentally somewhere between throwing a pity party and an all-out, screaming hissy fit.  I gave in to neither of those options, praise the Lord.  Momma reminded me to do the very thing the Lord had reminded me to do only moments before... think about WHATEVER.  You know, "whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is just, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is commendable, if there is any excellence, if there is anything worthy of praise, think about these things" (Philippians 4:8).

So, I did.  Not every voice or thought that crosses my mind is MY voice or MY thought.  No, I'm not schizophrenic;  let me explain.  Sometimes the enemy of our souls likes to disguise himself as our own thoughts.  Thoughts of paranoia, defeat, worthlessness, hopelessness, etc. do NOT come from God the Father.  Those thoughts are from Satan himself.  Those thoughts can  become our own when we begin to dwell on them and when we don't recognize them for the lies that they are.  Choosing to think about whatever really IS true (and honorable and just and pure, etc.) is one of the best ways to overcome any mental or emotional battle that may wage war within.

This is truth:  Jesus Christ loves me (and you) to death.  He who knew NO sin BECAME sin so that I (and you) might become the righteousness of God.  If that were all He ever did for me, that would be enough.  He didn't stop there, though. He rose again and lives to make intercession for those who draw near to God through Him; Jesus Himself prays for me (and you). Jesus will never leave or forsake me (or you). My flesh and my heart may fail, but God is the strength of my (and your) heart.  Jesus reveals Himself, His purposes, and His ways to those who love Him and keep His commands.  Jesus knows me (and you) and STILL chose to bear the punishment that I (and you) deserved.  He gave His life so that we could enjoy real life--eternal life--with Him forever.  He loves me.  And you.  THIS is truth. 

Satan's lies are no match for God's TRUTH.  Recognizing the lies and replacing them with truth are how we begin to enjoy the "sound mind" and get rid of the "spirit of fear" that 2 Timothy 1:7 speaks of.

I just looked up the Amplified translation of 2 Timothy 1:7.  It's so good that I must share it here:
For God did not give us a spirit of timidity (of cowardice, of craven and cringing and fawning fear), but [He has given us a spirit] of power and of love and of calm and well-balanced mind and discipline and self-control.
 Replacing the lies with truth is also how we can practice 2 Corinthians 10:5 and "take every thought captive to obey Christ."

So what lies have stirred up a mental and emotional maelstrom in your life?  Why not join me in rejecting those lies and replacing them with WHATEVER.  That's right--whatever is TRUE.

Not many people read this, but if you have actually made it to the end of this post, please consider leaving a comment. I (and a handful of others) would be encouraged to learn what weapons of truth you personally use to combat the lies of the enemy.


  1. Wonderful post, Marie! I think there has been a flurry of "fiery darts" this week as I've been dealing with some of the same attacks you describe.

    Most people who know me won't be surprised to learn that I turn to music very often when attacked. This week there was a new approach which was liberating. I felt impressed to record the feelings/lies that were coming into my mind on post-it notes. Then I began to face each one and address it. Some resulted in repentance while others were called "lies" verbally and replaced with truth from the Word. As I dealt with each one, I rejoiced as I removed it and DESTROYED the note....exactly as my Savior was doing within my spirit.

    Looking forward to reading more thoughtful posts in the future!

  2. Love this, Marie. I am constantly having to repeat the "whatever" verse to myself because this is such a struggle for me! There are times when I find myself actually believing that the crazy, anxious thoughts in my head must be the Lord trying to prepare me for something bad. Insane, right? I remind myself constantly that God does NOT give us a spirit of fear and those thoughts are not truth. His perfect love casts out all fears!

    Love reading your blog..I can relate so much. Thank you!

  3. I am going to use the "whatever" thing with my kids! I think they'll love it! Thanks!
