Thursday, June 27, 2013

Trafficking in the U.S.: How Young Girls are Recruited and Exploited

If you're a semi-regular reader and you're wondering why I'm writing about the topic of trafficking, then click here for an explanation.  Then, please come back!

Before I continue, I need to remind you that I am not an expert on this topic and that I'm simply passing on the information and resources that I've come across over the past two years.  I welcome any feedback or input that would expand on this subject or that would link us to more information.  Also, I'd really love to hear if you know of someone or if you yourself are doing something to raise awareness and take action against this horrific problem in our country and in our world.

Because this subject is so huge, I'll never be able to fully cover every aspect of this issue.  I'm just going to do what I can, and maybe somehow it will help at least one person.

Shared Hope International
Founded by former U.S. Congresswoman Linda Smith, Shared Hope exists to eradicate the problem of trafficking across the world by promoting prevention efforts, by working to offer restoration to victims who have escaped from the sex industry, and by bringing justice through policy and legislative measures.

Just in case you aren't one hundred percent sure what sex trafficking is, then here is the definition from Smith's organization:
Sex trafficking is when a commercial sex act is induced by force, fraud or coercion OR when the person induced to perform the act is under 18 years old. A commercial sex act means any item of value is traded for any sexual service (prostitution, pornography, or sexual performance). Domestic minor sex trafficking is the commercial sexual exploitation of American children within U.S. borders for monetary or other compensation (shelter, food, drugs, etc.). This is synonymous with child sex slavery, sex slavery, child sex trafficking, prostitution of children, and commercial sexual exploitation of children (CSEC). 
I first heard of Shared Hope just a few weeks ago from my father.  He had listened to a two-part Focus on the Family radio broadcast that make his blood boil.  The broadcast, which aired on May 22-23, featured Smith along with "Brianna," one of the young ladies that Shared Hope helped to escape from the dark world of sex trafficking.

On the broadcast, both Brianna and Smith exposed some of the methods that are being used to "recruit" young girls into the sex industry.  (According to, the AVERAGE age that a child is first exploited through trafficking is 13--this means some are even younger.  That is one of the statistics that grieved my father so...)  These are just a few of the things that I remember hearing and reading about concerning the manipulation of girls by traffickers:

  •  Using a "lover boy" technique that involves pursuing a relationship with a vulnerable girl thereby gaining her trust, loyalty, and eventually consent
  • Showing up at school or sports activities, malls, coffee shops, or wherever kids gather.  They stalk their prey, sometimes for months.
  • Learning routines.  They are very patient.  According to Smith, if the girls notice and are uncomfortable with the presence of an older man, they will send in a younger middle school or high school male to resume the manipulation.
  •  Building friendship and trust by appearing to have interests, dreams, and goals in common.  Sometimes this is done by a slightly older male who later passes the girl off to a more experienced man who continues the manipulation and begins the process of using her or selling her to a pimp.
  • Giving gifts, taking them shopping, taking them to movies, convincing them to skip school or sneak out of their homes, letting them ride in nice cars
  • Convincing them their families are keeping them from fun and excitement, and then offering chances to go on "dates" to exciting places in other cities (which lead to passing the girls off to "pimps" or "buyers") 
  •  Inviting them to parties with older teens or with adults where the girls are then encouraged to dance/strip or perform sex acts.  Later, the traffickers may blackmail the girls by threatening to tell their friends and family what they did or even by threatening to show pictures of what they did. 
  •  Asking the girl to do them a "favor" by helping them make some money quickly to help them out of some trouble.  The "favor" usually involves stripping, being featured in some type of pornography, or performing a sex act for a paying customer.
  • Threatening to pursue a relationship with a younger family member if the girl doesn't comply because some girls will actually cooperate with a trafficker rather than put a loved one at risk.  
Those few bullet points are by no means an exhaustive list of their methods and madness, but these are some of the ways traffickers trap girls from all walks of life.  Although girls from backgrounds of extreme poverty are usually the easiest to victimize, this also happens to girls from "normal" homes, neighborhoods, and communities.  Younger males are often coerced to help with recruitment by promises of cash, clothing, cars, or sometimes because they are involved in a gang.  Is it just me, or is it possible that some of these guys are victims as well?

I'm overwhelmed with the enormity of this issue, especially when I consider that each victim is a daughter, sister, niece, granddaughter, friend, or neighbor to someone..... Based on some of the material I've read, I can think of at least one girl I knew who was possibly involved or at least was possibly being recruited, and I can think of at least one girl I know who could be an easy target.  God help us help them.

 Let me close by giving you some links that will help you learn more from and about Shared Hope and the ways they can can help you get involved. I'll also post some links to some videos/testimonials and broadcasts.

Click on these links for more:

How to recognize a trafficker &
Warning Signs that someone is being trafficked

FAQs about Trafficking (this also includes a helpful PDF fact sheet that provides statistics)

View Your State's "Report Card" to find out how it is legally responding to the crime of domestic minor sex trafficking.  **My home state scored a D.  California and many others scored F. It's appalling.  Louisiana has the highest grade in the nation so far--a B. If you want to see on what criteria the states are graded, click the link, and you can also find out how to contact your state legislatures and voice your concern.

Learn more about Shared Hope International and read testimonies of hope, find resources, educate yourself, get involved, and DO SOMETHING.

Below are the links to a few broadcasts and videos.  I highly recommend listening to the two Focus broadcasts.

Focus on the Family's Radio Broadcast:  Exposing the Dark World of Human Trafficking, Part 1
(from May 22, 2013)  Listen to Linda Smith discusses State Report Cards regarding domestic trafficking and methods, and "Brianna" shares her personal story of being recruited by traffickers.

Focus on the Family's Radio Broadcast:  Exposing the Dark World of Human Trafficking, Part 2
(from May 23, 20118)  Listen to hear about "Lacy" and how her pimp trapped her and later threatened to expose her activities to her church youth group.

Watch the trailer for Chosen, a video/documentary about trafficking.

Watch a trafficking awareness video from Shared Hope

Watch Do You Know Lacy?, a video about what a typical victim looks like and personal testimony of a victim

If for some reason the links do not work, then you can find the radio shows by going to the broadcast archives at 
To find the videos, simply search for the Shared Hope International Channel on Youtube.

I know this is not a pleasant issue, and it may seem overwhelming and impossible to defeat, but we must start somewhere.  Thankfully, organizations like Shared Hope and so many more are already actively involved in pulling children and other victims out of the darkness.  Let's figure out how each of us can do something to help end this form of slavery that still exists in our country and in our world.

Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Tosha, Trafficking, and Time to Do SOMETHING

In January of 2012 I started this blog for no particular reason.  As I recall, I really should have been grading papers or cleaning house, and because THAT was not any fun, I decided to venture out into the world of blogging.

Because I never committed to writing about any specific subject matter, I feel completely free to shift gears and to begin exploring a subject that has been brought to my attention over the last two years.  If you've read much of what I've posted in the past, you probably already know that I write with a decidedly Christian world view in mind.  That, my friends, will not change; but for those of you who may not read many of my posts simply because you don't share the same values and beliefs, I ask you to please stay with me for the next few posts.

What I want to write about is not just another "Christian Cause."  This subject should be of concern to all human beings, whether you are a Christian, Atheist, Agnostic, Democrat, Republican, Libertarian, I-Don't-Care-ian, or WHATEVER you want to consider yourself.
If you have a heart that is not completely made of stone, if you care about the children in your life, or if justice, compassion, and freedom are not entirely foreign concepts in your thinking, then PLEASE, stay with me.
Maybe you already know about everything I plan to share and discuss.  If so, great.  Now do something about it.  That's what I'm trying to do here.  This is my feeble plea to whoever lands here to open your heart, open your hands, open your mouth and DO SOMETHING.

It is PAST time to DO SOMETHING about the problems of slavery and sex trafficking in OUR COUNTRY and in OUR WORLD.

Here's my plan:  I'm going to dedicate my next few blog posts to defining and discussing the issues of slavery and trafficking both at home and abroad, and then I will share some of the information, resources, and videos that I have become familiar with over the last few years.  

Why am I doing this, and why does it matter?
I'm doing this because recent statistics reveal that at least 100,000 children in the U.S. are exploited into prostitution every year. *
I'm doing this because, world wide, more that 27 million people live in some form of slavery, whether it is forced labor or in the sex industry.**
I'm doing this because the average age of a child exploited through prostitution is 13.*
I'm doing this because human trafficking in the U.S.A. alone is a 9.8 BILLION dollar industry.*

I'm doing this because I have a daughter.  I have a son.  I have nieces and nephews.  I have neighbors.  I have an audience--even if it's small--and maybe SOMETHING I'm able to share on this blog will help SOMEONE recognize, prevent, or STOP trafficking in their own home, neighborhood, state, country, and world.  This may very well be just a small cry for freedom and a weak call for action, but it's a start.  It's SOMETHING.

I love this quote I recently read on the #Enditmovement website:

Yes, we know nothing will happen just because you're aware of modern-day slavery, but we believe nothing will EVER happen until you are.AWARENESS MUST LEAD TO ACTION.
My friend Tosha is partly responsible for this post and the posts to follow.  The other day we had a conversation that somehow turned to this topic of trafficking, and sweet Tosha's eyes grew alarmed, and with a sense of urgency in her voice, she said, "What can we do?  How can we find out more about this so we can do something?"  
I sent her a text link to a broadcast that I'll share on here later, and then my brain went into overdrive as I began thinking of all the great websites, speakers, videos, and resources that I've seen....and rather than blow up her phone with links and suggestions, I decided to share it here.

I don't know much, but I will share what I know.  Will you feel free to do the same?  Who knows, but maybe something we share will be the key that unlocks the chains of slavery for SOMEONE, SOMEWHERE.  

I love that quote...."Awareness must lead to action..."

* statistics and information from the Shared Hope International website,
**statistic found at

Monday, June 24, 2013

True vs. Truth: They're Not Necessarily the Same

Hello again.  My brain nearly burst today from an overload of information, insight, and introspection.  Guess what that means?  Ten points for anyone who guessed "write a lengthy blog that will likely wander down a few rabbit trails." :)

[Here's your chance to escape.  Go on.  It's ok.  I'll never know.]

Ok, so if you're still here, I've been pondering this quote I read in a Bible study workbook today, and I've been trying to make it applicable/practical for some issues I'm personally dealing with these days.  This is the Bible study I'm going through with some great girls right now, by the way:

As the cover says, the study is about confronting our modern-day idols.  The author, Kelly Minter, begins with defining modern-day idols as anything or any person in our life (aside from the only true God) that functions or operates as a god in our lives.  Minter includes this definition by Ken Sande: biblical terms, it is something other than God that we set our hearts on (Luke 12:29; 1 Cor. 10:19), that motivates us (Ps. 119:133; Eph. 5:5), or that we trust, fear, or serve (Isa. 42:17; Matt. 6:24; Luke 12:4-5).

So, the girls and I came up with a list of modern-day idols that are the same in spirit, if not in shape, as the golden calf and carved statues that appeared in the pages of scripture.  Social media, technology, phones, comfort, relationships, pride, family, reputation, image, celebrity, sex, and FOOD are just a few of the ones we tossed around.  See that one in all capital letters?  Yeah, well, that's one of mine. 

Ok.  Let's be real here.  [I'm going to be brutally honest about the obvious, and you are going to be nice and not make comments where I can hear you, ok?]  Some drug users and alcoholics can successfully hide their addictions for months, years, or maybe for life, but honestly, how many food addicts can hide their issues for very long before the evidence makes itself known to the world in the form of pounds and inches?  So if you know me or have seen pictures of me over the last ten years, then you could safely assume that I have food issues.  And when I allow myself to be truthful about it, I can safely (and sadly) admit that I have idolatry issues.

Ok, speaking of "truthful," I mentioned that this rambling discourse started with a quote I read in my workbook.  Here it is:
Satan will tell us what's true, but he never tells us the truth. 
Think about those words for a moment.... 
(That quote was from a man named Michael Wells, by the way.)

Minter writes that when the serpent (Satan) tempted Eve, he told her true things. 
1.  "You will not surely die."  (Neither she nor Adam immediately suffered from food poisoning or sudden death.)
2.  "For God knows that when you eat of it your eyes will be opened."  (Yep.  The fig leaf garments they hastily fashioned are evidence of their new awareness of their nakedness.)
3. "And you will be like God, knowing good and evil." (After their disobedience, they hid from God because NOW they were aware that they'd done what was evil in His sight.)

Satan told them true things, but he didn't tell them the truth about the consequences of their disobedience.  He didn't tell them their perfect relationship with God would be wrecked, that they would suffer a spiritual death and an eventual physical death, that they would have a new knowledge and an awareness of evil that our minds and hearts were not intended to be burdened with, that they would lose their home in paradise, that generations of humans for thousands of years would suffer the consequences along with them.....

Yes, Satan told them true things, but he didn't tell the truth.  So maybe Eve didn't recognize an outright lie from Satan, but she sure fell for his deception, his shading and manipulation of the truth.

"What does that have to do with anything?" you may ask if you're still reading....

This is huge:  we can fall for his deception in areas where we are weakest or even wounded.  Minter gives some great examples of how the deception works its way into our thoughts:
If you're currently struggling with your finances, you might think....I don't have enough money to pay my bills this month; I'm going to lose everything.  It may be true that you don't have enough money to pay your bills, but the truth is that God will take care of your every need (see Matt. 6:25-30).
Or, here's another one... My boyfriend/husband has rejected me; I will never be loved.  It might be true that you have been rejected and abandoned by someone you loved, but it is not the truth that you will never be loved, for God will absolutely not forsake us or withdraw His love (see Deut. 31:6).

Can you see the difference between what is true and what is the truth?  Can anyone out there relate to similar deception?

Today, I started pondering the deceptions and lies that massage my mind to numbness so that I willingly accept Satan's bait and bow down again to my most daunting and provocative idol:  food.  I came up with my own version of true vs. the truth regarding my personal struggles.  Here's what I have so far.  (You're still being nice, right?  I wouldn't be intentionally rude about your issues....)

True:  Liquids keep me hydrated.  It's hot outside, and I need to avoid dehydration.
Truth:  My body would function better and I would not gain weight if I drank water instead of Dr. Pepper.

(I'm kind of pitiful, I know....)

True:  I need food to survive. If I don't eat, I won't have any energy, and I'll get a headache.
Truth:  I will survive longer if I make nutritious food choices and avoid defaulting to chocolate, cereal, honey buns, biscuits, donuts, etc.

True:  Just "one more" won't hurt or kill me...
Truth:  One more may not hurt immediately, but the pounds will continue to add up, my body will fall apart, and my heart will eventually stop.  Continuing in a lifestyle of over-eating is actually a slow form of suicide.

(That last one hurts....)

Ok, here's another that I don't consciously tell myself, but my actions reveal what I've believed to be true:

True:  It's my body, and I can decide what I do to it or with it.
Truth:  There are always consequences for the choices we make.  Some consequences can affect us physically and permanently, and some consequences can affect others as well.  I may bear the weight of my idolatry issues, but my husband, children, and loved ones could suffer pain as well if I become an invalid or die young.  (That right there is brutal honesty, folks.)  Also, I can't forget the truth that, as a Christian, my body DOES NOT belong to me.  Have you ever read 1 Cor. 6:19-20?  A born-again Christ follower's body is a temple of the Holy Spirit of God, and it was purchased at an extremely high price--the life of Jesus.  If I allow my addiction to food to rule my life, then I am interfering with the work of the Holy Spirit.  Is it fair to say that in some respects, the Holy Spirit in me can only go as far as this temple can take Him?  I think so. 

So now you know more about my issues whether you really wanted to or not.  But here's one reason I decided to share this particular "rant" in a public forum:  I don't for one second believe I'm the only one with issues.  Or more accurately, with idols.  I wanted to share these thoughts just in case one of you is struggling with something or someone that functions as a god in your own life.  What, other than God, do you have your heart set on?  What motivates you?  What inspires your trust, fear, or service? Jefferson Bethke, a gifted young poet, says this:  "Idols over promise and under deliver--EVERY TIME....If you don't crush your idols, your idols will crush you."  And here's my favorite:
The apple looks sweet, but then it turns sour.  How come every time we bite into an idol, we're the ones that get devoured?
 Maybe if you're weary and ready to finally get rid of your idols, then maybe you'll begin the process of dissecting the deceptive thoughts in your own mind so you can come to the truth about your own issues.  And you know what truth does, right? 

Yep.  It sets us free.  (John 8:32)

And you know Who the truth is, right?

Yep.  Truth is a Person.  His name is Jesus. (John 14:6)

When the idols are removed, what's left?  True freedom.  Freedom only found through the power of Christ.

Y'all, pray for me.  I'll gladly pray for you, too.